How to Make Triple Bead Drop Earrings with Seed Beads and Jump Rings

How to Make Triple Bead Drop Earrings with Seed Beads and Jump Rings

 Welcome back crafty friends, and helloo to anyone who has dropped in for the first time :)

Today, I'm unveiling the 3rd design in my series: dangle earrings with seed beads. I'm calling these Triple Bead Drops (very on the nose, I know), and anyone can give this a go - even if you've never picked up a pair of jewellery pliers before!

If you haven't, I recommend taking a look at my short video on how to open and close jump rings before you get started. Just click this button to open it in a new tab... 

You will need:

    • 6x size 6 seed beads
    • 10 x 6.5mm jump rings
    • 20 x 3mm jump rings
    • 2 ear hooks
    • 2 pairs of smooth-jawed jewellery pliers

    A note about the jump rings:

    The rings are made from 1mm thick wire, which was wound around a 6.5mm and 3mm mandrel. If you're making your own, I recommend using a jeweller's saw to cut the wire, so you get nice smooth edges.

    A note about the seed beads:

    You need the seed beads you choose to have holes large enough to slip through your rings, so go for quality seed beads that are uniform in size, like Miyuki or Toho. 

    Triple Bead Drop Earrings Tutorial

    Step 1:

    Open a small ring and loop it through the hole in the ear wire, then close.

    Step 2:

    Add two more small rings to the first ring, so that they sit side by side.

    Step 3:

    Add a large ring to the two small rings from the last step.

    Step 4:

    Open another small ring and drop your first seed bead onto it, this time leaving the ring open.

    Step 5:

    Weave the beaded ring through the two small rings, so that it sits in front of the large ring. 

    Step 6:

    Add two more small rings to the large ring, so they sit side by side.

    Step 7:

    Now you can just repeat steps 3 to 6 for your second and third bead drops, and your first earring is done!

    Step 8:

    Rinse and repeat for your second earring :)

    Want to get started straight away? You can buy the kit to make these exact earrings by clicking the button below:

    Here are the first two designs in the dangle earrings with seed beads series, in case you missed them: